Student Testimonials

“Looking for a Tai Chi class at the beginning of Covid, I was fortunate to hear about Kelly and a free online Qigong Bootcamp class. I wasn’t sure how it was going to translate since it was going to be online, but I took a chance. It was the best decision I could have made. Kelly is not only knowledgeable in Qigong, Tai Chi, and Reiki, but she has a special skill at building a community of learners. She knows her students and plans lessons that can be broken down for those who need the extra support and extend the learning for those who have mastered the form. Kelly makes the classes fun and light. Her energy is infectious. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to learn and grow because of Kelly and her classes.

Jacque Crisman
Bremerton, WA
Jan 2024

“Since Sept I’ve had a chronic shoulder injury and am being treated by a chiropractor. The pain jolted me awake on many nights and has taken a long time to heal. Your class has really helped. I see a huge difference and think your reminder for gentle soft shoulders has helped plus the slow deliberate flow of my arms. I cannot do down dogs in yoga but Qigong is so healing and I think is helping me finally make progress in getting better—for this I am so grateful to you.”

Shaughn Jarvis
Seattle, WA
Jan 2021

“I feel fortunate to have had Kelly as my instructor for Tai Chi for Arthritis. This style of Tai Chi was a much different form than I had previously experienced and I found it more challenging than I expected.

Kelly is one of those gifted teachers who not only knows her craft but is able to transfer her knowledge and skills to others, using techniques which are easy to understand. She kept me challenged and focused in each class.

Kelly has an easy going, laid back style of teaching, augmented by her unending patience and wonderful sense of humor. I was sorry, but understood, when she left the area to move back to Canada. Bellingham’s loss is Vancouver’s gain!”

Jim Sutherland
Bellingham, WA
Dec 2018

“I found Kelly after struggling with debilitating back pain for 25 years. She spent extra time with me, making sure I did the moves in a way that benefited my back. Originally, I started to take Tai Chi for Arthritis. I now know 4 other forms.

This is not a profession for Kelly, but a passion. It is evident in the concern for her students, enthusiasm in the form and quality of her classes.

I can’t thank Kelly enough for the gift this had added to my life.”

Ravyn Whitewolf
Ferndale, WA
Nov 2018

“Kelly’s enthusiasm for healing the world with Tai Chi is heartfelt and contagious. Her students here in Bellingham miss her very much, and our loss is Surrey’s gain. She is an inspiring teacher who genuinely wants everyone to enjoy the health benefits that Tai Chi provides, and I always feel better after attending her classes. She meets people where they are, and always seems to give the right nudge towards mastery, because she pays close attention to her students. She is very missed, and I know that a powerful Tai Chi storm is brewing in Surrey.”

Michael Kolodenko
Bellingham, WA
Nov 2018

“I met Kelly at World Tai Chi Day and have continued to learn from her which has changed my life. She is an excellent teacher and brings positive energy which has tremendous power in the healing process which we all seek in life.”

Avtar Kukreja
Bellingham, WA
Nov 2018

“You cannot hope to find a better Tai Chi experience than with Kelly. I began taking Tai Chi with Kelly because I wanted to spend more time with a friend who was taking the class. I found that I loved the movement and the spiritual aspects, which Kelly balances perfectly.

Kelly is a wonderful teacher who breaks down the many movements in a form into short segments for learning, and then puts them together so that the total form flows. She is exacting in the details of whatever form she is teaching, explains everything as she goes, and is an avid learner who shares her new knowledge with her students. She is always willing to individualize and even offer individual lessons when it is helpful.

I don’t know how to write in a way that captures the grace and good humor with which Kelly teaches and lives her life. She has a special gift in identifying complex moves with the names of familiar daily activities, for example my favorite “grab a beer, check your watch, and punch”. Her class is fun and relaxing and energizing all together. You will love learning and practicing Tai Chi Kelly style!”

Kris Slentz
Bellingham, WA
Nov 2018

“There have been more and more news reports about the health benefits of Tai Chi and QiGong, and I can attest to that!! When my husband and I retired and moved to Blaine, WA six years ago, we immediately got involved in classes. One of the classes I highly value is Tai Chi for Arthritis, taught by Carol Bedell at Kelly Hong-Williams studio, Powered by Qi.

Without taking medication, and with daily exercise, my overall health improved. I have better flexibility, and less back and joint pain. I may have been a skeptic initially, but I now believe that my improved health is due to the many years that I have taken Tai Chi and QiGong classes. Much of the credit for my accomplishments goes to Kelly and Carol. They are both dedicated, and caring teachers who provide a welcoming environment for learning!

Marilyn Miller
Blaine, WA
Sept 2016

“I started my tai chi journey with Kelly in April of 2014. Under Kelly’s instruction I have learned to slow down, relax and enjoy the beautiful choreography of each individual move that flows seamlessly. The benefits of tai chi are many and different for each individual. For me it provides a calming, inner peace effect, plus helps with my balance and concentration. Kelly is a gifted teacher who is both patient and kind yet solid in her knowledge of tai chi. She continues to take classes so she can help her students improve their form. I feel so privileged to have met Kelly and be her student. I hope to enjoy tai chi with Kelly for years to come.

Lilly Megard
Bellingham, WA
Sept 2016

“I joined Kelly’s class in late 2014 shortly after arriving in the Bellingham area.I had already done a little Tai Chi but of a different style while in Texas and was worried that it would be difficult to learn a new style. Kelly’s teaching methods and patience helped me quickly transition from my old style to the Yang style, and now Yang Tai Chi has become my regular exercise and meditation.

I find that Kelly does a great job teaching classes that have a mix of beginners and more advanced students, so new students need not worry that they will feel lost.

I have seen many benifits for my physical and mental health from practicing Tai Chi regularly. In particular, when young I used to run regularly and as I aged my knees started to complain, I had aches and pain in my knees most days. Since doing Tai Chi, I rarely feel the pain in my knees.

Steve Carlton
Custer, WA
Sept 2016

“After trying a short term, Intro to Tai Chi for Arthritis class at the “Y”, I was concerned I would never be able to learn and remember the formal Tai Chi choreography. Then, two years later, a friend introduced me to Powered by Qi. Kelly Hong-Williams is a natural teacher and delightful, lovable person as well as a superb and skilled instructor; always cognizant of correct and safe practice. She makes learning easy and enjoyable; her gentle, non-threatening manner engenders a sense of camaraderie and mutual support in her classes. To my great surprise, I quickly learned 8 form and now, two years later, I’ve learn 16 Form, 24 Form, and now 32 Sword Form. I now feel confident that I could actually learn 108 Form. Wow!! Tai Chi has become my meditation and it has improved my mental focus, balance, coordination and strength. I was once diagnosed with Menieres Syndrome due to problems with balance and dizziness. I no longer have any troubles with my balance. I’m amazed at what I can do now!

Margo Terrill
Custer, WA
Sept 2016

“Five years ago, my Dr. suggested that I take a Tai Chi class for my health. The only class in our small community was always full.

Two years ago, an acquaintance told me about this wonderful young woman that had recently opened a new Tai Chi studio in the Ferndale area. My sister and I took Kelly’s Arthritis I class, and the rest is history. We have taken Arthritis I and II, Forms 8, 16 and 24.

Tai Chi and Kelly Hong-Williams have become an essential part of my life. Kelly is an excellent teacher and mentor, so knowledgeable and patient, offering encouragement at every level. Tai Chi requires a lot of practice and dedication, and Kelly continues to study with the masters in the form and shares this knowledge with us, her students. She does all this with a smile on her face! I am so thankful that Kelly chose our community to share the love of the healing art of Tai Chi.

Lynne Shelton
Birch Bay, WA
Sept 2016

“Joining Kelly’s Tai Chi classes 3 1/2 years ago has been a wonderful experience for me. I had just recovered from knee and hip replacements and needed to develop better balance and more strength. I have since learned 8 form, 16 form, 24 form, Kung Fu fan, and 16 form sword. Now my strength and balance are better than they have been in years, and I love coming to class.

Carol Ann Simmonds
Semiahmoo, WA
Sept 2016

“Tai Chi itself is rewarding for mind, body, and soul. The Tai Chi offered by Powered by Qi is even better. Kelly has such patience and kindness, skill and knowledge. Ninja Carol’s sword classes are as fun as they are beneficial. In 2013, I had survived cancer but found that the treatments had left their toll. Exercising had always been difficult for me, especially with the recurring pain. Today, the aches are no longer significant. I am so very thankful. Good teachers are hard to find. Kelly and Ninja Carol are great teachers.

Barbara Carter
Birch Bay, WA
Sept 2016

“Tai Chi and QiGong are powerful tools to maintain good health. The benefits increase as one ages. Balance, posture, and flexibility improve. For people suffering of arthritis or mobility problems, the benefits are invaluable. Personally, my bone mass test results improved after a few years of frequent Tai Chi.

Good teachers in the NW Whatcom County are rare. Powered by Qi is an exceptional studio, much needed in this area.

Claudette Hardy
Birch Bay, WA
Aug 2016

“Kelly Hong-Williams is a gifted teacher. She combines a serious approach to tai chi with a great sense of humor that makes her classes a joy to attend. She is aware of people’s many differently abilities and needs, and adjusts her teaching accordingly. For me, this has been important as I’ve attended classes for cancer patients as well as for the general public. Based on my own experience and observations, I would recommend Kelly’s classes to everyone.

Suzanne Krogh, PhD
Bellingham, WA
Aug 2016

“Tai Chi is a wonderful form of movement, really good, gentle exercise for the body and mind. It is also a new way of moving, with patterns that can seem complicated. Kelly is the first teacher I have found who guides her classes through every step, patiently and clearly speaking instructions for each movement. For me, she has opened the door to understanding both the patterns and the purpose of the practice. At 79, that practice has resulted in more strength, energy, and better balance for me.

I also love the meditative quality of tai chi…practicing with Kelly always leaves me with a sense of peace and well being that is wonderful!

June Vigor
Bellingham, WA
Aug 2016

“Taking a class from Kelly is a joy, from start to finish and on more levels than I can state. Kelly’s teaching style is excellent. She exudes patience and does not point out that I am personally doing it backwards. Errors become a class opportunity to review a specific move.

The benefits of Tai Chi and Qi Gong deeply stimulate and balance the energy systems of the body and, with patience, restore health, balance, mobility, and strength. My doctor is just as thrilled as I am with my Tai Chi practice. If she didn’t live in Stanwood, she would be in the class, too.

Suffering from essential tremor, lumbar scoliosis and a smattering of age related oddities, I have found my balance greatly improved, lumbar pain reduced, and night sweats a thing of the past. And shoot, the class is so much fun. Friendships are developed, laughter ensues, and to top it off, Kelly has dimples.

Lea Shato
Sedro Wooley, WA
Aug 2016